We are a part of the team #

We understand that as a team, we are greater than sum of each of ourselves. We also understand that doesn’t happen just because we happen to be working on the same thing. We deliberately choose to form a team and behave as an integral and cohesive part of the team.

Five dysfunctions of a team #

We understand the five dysfunctions of a team and are careful to not have them in our teams. The responsibility lies with each of us, not just the project manager or team lead. Each of us understands that our actions impact Axelerant and ultimately, ourselves.

Understand lottery factor #

Commonly called the “bus factor”, this is a measurement of the risk resulting from information and capabilities not being shared among team members, derived from the phrase “in case they get hit by a bus”, or in our case, “in case they win a lottery”.

The team understands that steps must be taken to share knowledge and responsibilities in a team so that there is no single point of failure.