Estimation Verification and Approval #

To ensure project success, it is crucial to verify and approve all estimates. This process includes validating estimates, ensuring they meet acceptance criteria, and obtaining necessary approvals. Proper verification and approval help mitigate risks, manage expectations, and ensure efficient resource allocation for reliable project outcomes.

Verifying Estimates #

Verifying Estimates and Information in the Ticket #

Go through the ticket and validate the estimate along with the work listed in the ticket. Validate the task with the designs and confirm all components/elements are achievable for your task within the given estimate. Ensure the Definition of Done is clearly mentioned in the ticket, often supported by Acceptance Criteria which helps understand the scope of work.

Check for any comments that might differ or present additional tasks not mentioned in the task description or fields. Address the following questions:

  • Is some work going on that shall impact what I am about to do?
  • Are there any open questions?
  • Are the answers given satisfactory and not contradicting any other requirements (Accessibility, performance, UX, etc.)?
  • Is the estimate valid based on my understanding of the work?
  • Am I clear about the solution and any blockers?

Verifying Estimates and Information in Reopened Tickets #

When tickets are reopened or partially implemented tasks are pending, align around the available estimate to avoid confusion. Check the amount of work needed to achieve the desired goal. Review comments and discussions to understand why the task was pending or reopened, and ensure all information is accurate.

Consider the following:

  • Is the pending work unblocked from the dependency that had blocked it initially?
  • Any impact of the new work on already completed work? In short, check if any rework is needed.

Acceptance Criteria #

Collaborate with QA to add Acceptance Criteria (AC) in each ticket in the Acceptance Criteria ticket field, along with a snapshot of the estimates grid. This snapshot helps track the original estimates even if the estimation sheet is updated. Work with QA on the estimates (consult the TL if needed) and then assign the ticket for the client’s approval. If the Developer/QA doesn’t have Supp comment access, assign the ticket to the PM.

If AC changes at any point, re-validate the grooming and estimates.

Approval #

The primary responsibility for grooming and estimation falls on the assignee. It will then be reviewed by the TL, QA, or any other team members on a project-need basis.

Estimate the last level of a ticket ready for execution. If a ticket has any sub-tasks, then estimate those; otherwise, estimate the ticket itself (Check with PM, as based on projects, we either create a sub-task or a Task).