Delivering Value #

All the hard work that you do may not be useful if that doesn’t help the team or the customer move the needle forward. We understand the value of our work and deliver that. If, at any time, we believe that the work we do is not adding value, we will raise this issue with the team. Then, we will collaboratively decide what is the right thing to do.

Getting lost in the weeds #

It is easy to get lost in the weeds while working on an issue. This happens to such an extent that we forget the actual requirements that we need to deliver. This often looks like spending a lot of time perfecting something beyond what is necessary. Other times, we focus our attention on things that are only auxiliary to what we are building and ignoring the core value (bikeshedding).

Burnout #

We do not define productivity as an endless stream of work done at the expense of our health. Being productive means that you manage your time well so that you deliver value on the core requirements, ignore the fluff, and take care of yourself.